- What Is DPF?
- Payroll Deductions
- Help From Partners: Team Member Testimonies & Disaster Relief
- How To Make a Payroll Deduction
- Upload DPF Deduction Auth Form: https://form.jotform.com/230894473875168
- Do You, Or a Team Member Need Help From Partners?
- Documents
- Videos
What Is DPF?
Domino's Partners Foundation (DPF)
Partners was founded in 1986, inspired by many caring Franchisees & Corporate team members who felt strongly about “taking care of their own.” Partners has grown tremendously since inception. This timeline captures just a handful of the Foundation's major milestones.
Payroll Deductions
Payroll deductions to The Domino's Partners Foundation (DPF) are a simple, but big, way for our Team Members to help take care of other Team Members in times of need. DPF helps in instances like; flooding, fires, hurricanes, or death in the immediate family. The goal being to get those in need back on their feet as soon as possible.
**Crisis Situations the Foundation cannot assist with; car repairs or bills related to missed time because of car repairs, pre-existing crisis prior to start date with Domino's, Direct violation of store policy, or a TM that not active with Domino's.
Help From Partners: Team Member Testimonies & Disaster Relief
How To Make a Payroll Deduction
New hires with MAC Pizza are given the opportunity to begin making donations to DPF by their manager on their first day by uploading a paper form through JotForm. Domino’s Partners Foundation Deduction Form
IF PREFERRED, the electronic DPF form can be assigned to a TM's MyPay, but it is recommended that someone assist the TM with completing the form thru their MyPay (if that option is requested from Payroll).
If you or a TM would like to adjust payroll deductions to DPF, you can fill out the paper form to upload through JotForm or you can email Payroll@macpizza.net to have them assign the form in MyPay.
Upload DPF Deduction Auth Form: https://form.jotform.com/230894473875168
Do You, Or a Team Member Need Help From Partners?
You do not have to be donating to Partners to receive help, all that is required is that you are a current Domino's Team Member. To reach out for help you can contact the Domino's Partners Foundation via;
- Phone: Monday-Friday 8-4 at (734) 930 - 3297
- Email: Partners@dominos.com
- Fax: 1-800-253-8182