- Q2 2023 Houston & Herd AM Rallies
- Welcome, Introductions, Core Values
- State of the Franchise
- Operations Update
- Habits and Systems
- Partners Update
- Partners Raffle and Split Pot
- OA Update
- Evaluating Service Waste
- Root Cause Analysis & Activity
- COACH Certifications
- Mindset Matters
- Service Waste & Discussion
- More Pictures
- Videos
- Books
- Documents & Presentations
Q2 2023 Houston & Herd AM Rallies
The Q2 Houston and Herd AM Rallies for 2023 had a theme around Improving Service. We talked about Turning ADT minutes into seconds, the power of Atomic Habits, and finding the Root Cause of our Service Waste.
Welcome, Introductions, Core Values
Dana Ruckman kicked off the Rally by introducing our Leadership Team and Above Store Support Team Members in attendance, acknowledging their Years of Service, and communicating our Core Values; PRIDE.
Kevin Merritt helped to pass out Super Friendly Team Member pins to stores that were acknowledged in customer feedback and new TM feedback aligned with our Core Values.
State of the Franchise
Alan Cunningham gave us an update on the State of the Franchise, including increasing order counts and focusing on improved service. He also expressed gratitude from himself and the leadership team for our attendee’s dedication and focus in the store.
Operations Update
At their respective Rallies Jimmy Willbanks and Chris Herd discussed with us
Habits and Systems
Dana led a presentation on Habits and Systems and how those influence our goals and actions. She also introduced the Service Keys- Quarter to keep track of results in our stores.
“We do not rise to our Goals, we fall to the level of our systems.” - James Clear Atomic Habits The Power of Habit
Habits & Systems Presentation Notes
Partners Update
We showed our new MAC Pizza DPF Video and Paul Place and Jeremey Lohse each led a Partners Update discussing current percent and dollar donations per TM, as well as our new process for accepting Partners Donations Requests via paper and Online Form Links (JotForms).
Partners Raffle and Split Pot
Between both Rallies, we raised over $1000 for the Domino’s Partners Foundation! Congrats to all our prize item and Split Pot winners!
Thanks to Josh Wright and Jeremy Lohse for their help with selling tickets!
OA Update
Devin Harman updated us on our current Operations Assessments, common points off, and leading DM areas.
Evaluating Service Waste
Dana Ruckman started us off in groups of similar ADT, we evaluated our current state of service, worked together with our ADT group to identify 8 specific areas of wasted service seconds, then paired us up with someone who was not in our ADT group to identify 1 key area we felt we could affect change in.
Root Cause Analysis & Activity
Dana then asked us to take that one area and get to the Root Cause— Asking “Why” at least 5 times. “If you misdiagnose the cause, you prescribe the wrong solution.” During the Service Café, we went to different groups to discuss our findings, best practices to fix those issues, and have great conversation.
Understanding the Root Cause Presentation Notes
COACH Certifications
Team Members who were newly COACH Certified were presented with their COACH Pins by their DM or RD.
Mindset Matters
Dana helped us break minutes down into seconds, showing how each of those seconds can save minutes on our overall ADT. We saw side-by-side comparisons of common service waste in our stores, and a Service Showcase on store 9274 who has made amazing improvements in ADT while being short-staffed by utilizing Load & Go, Prioritizing DSS Deliveries, Expediting, Utilizing Systems, having Team Buy-in, and overall Smart Hustle & Positive energy. 9274 Service Showcase. At the Herd Rally we had the honor of having the GM of 9274, Kevin King, up for a Q&A.
Service Waste & Discussion
Dana had each AM in attendance say what their main take-away, actionable item, to take back to their store was. Each AM got a stopwatch to help “Make it Happen”!