- Rally Feedback
- Introductions
- Core Values PRIDE
- People
- Respect
- Integrity
- Drive
- Elevate
- Positive Feedback
- Operations Pillar and Strategic Plan
- Makeline Efficiency and Load & Go Training Bites Videos
- HR Update (Retaliation)- Jessica Dickenson
- Domino’s Pizza Partners Foundation Update
- Partners Raffle Drawing 1
- Incidents
- Talent Development Update
- Retention Group Activity
- Developing Trust
- Partners Raffle Drawing 2
- 50/50 Partners Drawing
- New Hire Training Experience
- Operations Assessment Quiz
- Closing Thoughts
- Closing Cheer
- Gallery
We held our Q2 AM Rallies on 4/5 in the Herd Region and 4/13 for the Houston Area. Dana Ruckman led both of these exciting Rallies which were full of learning and activities. Check out some of what was covered below!
Rally Feedback
Here’s some things the AMs said about their rally experience.
“Awesome experience. Fun atmosphere.”
“I enjoyed myself and would love to come back to another and hopefully be apart of a GM rally one day!”
“This one was better than any one before!! Like all the team building.”
“Everyone was very well spoken and got their points across easily to the group.”
“All presentations were very informative.”
“Enjoy coming to these A.M. rallies! Always learning something new each time.”
“Loved the focus on positive energy and caring about your fellow coworker. The structure of the rally was also very engaging!”
“This was my first rally with MAC Pizza. It was informative and interactive. I enjoyed being here.”
AMs were introduced to our Leadership, DMs, & Support Team who, combined with the rest of our teams who support the stores, have over 750 years of Domino’s experience!
AMs who have been with us for over a year (and up to 30!) stood up to be recognized.
Core Values PRIDE
In this section each AM picked which core value they felt was most important to them and discussed with their group why they chose that core value. After discussing with their group, one person from each core value group shared their collective thoughts.
Here’s what they came up with! (Click through each value below)
Positive Feedback
Dana Ruckman shared some positive feedback about our stores from our customers as well as from our new and exiting Team Members. These stores got Super Friendly Team Member pins in recognition!
Operations Pillar and Strategic Plan
Kevin Merritt reviewed our Operations Pillar of the Strategic Plan and where we are currently in regards to Speed of Service, Operational Excellence, Customer Service, and Sales.
Makeline Efficiency and Load & Go Training Bites Videos
Kevin Merritt shared the following Training Bites videos on Makeline Efficiency and Load & Go.
HR Update (Retaliation)- Jessica Dickenson
Jessica shared with us an HR update on Retaliation.
Domino’s Pizza Partners Foundation Update
Chris Herd and Jimmy Willbanks provided an update on our current Partners donation percents, total dollar, and dollar donations/team member hours amounts.Domino's Partners Foundation (DPF)
Partners Raffle Drawing 1
Dana and Ashley helped draw tickets for our first round raffle prizes! These tickets go back into the bucket to have a chance to win the 50/50 pot later in the rally!
Thanks to DMs Robert Bouvier, Mike Bouvier, Josh Wright, and Oscar Mejia for helping collect Partners donations and pass out tickets!
Incident Coordinator Haily Dever gave a presentation on reporting incidents.
Talent Development Update
Devin Harman and Dana Ruckman gave an update on Talent Development highlighting a few new pages in the MACipedia as well as the virtual classes we offer.
Retention Group Activity
Dana lead a group activity in which AMs reflected individually, with a partner, then with a group on what is currently being done to retain Team Members in their store. These groups then presented their main takeaways.
Here’s what they came up with!
- Train MGMT to be more motivational
- Kill the negativity
- Don’t be an office manager
- Keep management’s attitude in check
- Top down management consistency
- Promote the opportunity to grow
- Train MGMT properly
- Follow the process for TM Evaluations
- Have a good store structure
- Create creative tasks for TMs to keep it fresh
- Be there for your new TMs
- Please and Thank You’s go a long way
- Communication (goals and tactics)
- Individualized training and job opportunities
- Proper Feedback
- Communication is KEY to being on the same page
- Cater to your teams individual needs
- Be the feedback you want to see
- Show you're having fun
- Comfortable with GM/CSR (communication and interactions)
- Elevating the new TM
- Building a bond with TM
- Find ways to incentivize high performance
- Pay their worth
- Good Vibes (balance fun/work)
- Know how TMs will respond to situations
- More personalized training
- Make your TMs schedules important to you
- Lead as the example
- Make things happen
Developing Trust
Dana led us through a presentation and exercise on the “Trust Battery” and the importance of developing trust with our team members and creating psychological safety for them in order to retain them and get the best results out of them.
Partners Raffle Drawing 2
Dana and Ashley helped draw tickets for our second round raffle prizes! These tickets go back into the bucket to have a chance to win the 50/50 pot later in the rally!
50/50 Partners Drawing
Congrats to our 50/50 Partners Raffle winners! Total we raised over $1500 for Partners!
New Hire Training Experience
Dana provided an update on our New Hire Training Experience Manual
New Hire Training Experience Manual
New Hire Training Experience Manual & ProcessOperations Assessment Quiz
Dana had everyone participate in an interactive Operations Assessment quiz to test their knowledge.
Closing Thoughts
Tom Moyes provided us with some closing thoughts.